Best Egg-Laying Chickens

The Best Egg-Laying Chickens for Your Coop and Homestead

Are you looking for the best egg-laying chickens for your flock? If you are, you are in luck! In this article, you will find everything about the chickens that excel at egg production.

Like other domestic birds and animals, chickens come in different breeds with distinctive features and egg-laying abilities. Therefore, some chickens lay more eggs than others. We have concentrated on this trait to help you find the best chicken breed that produces plenty of fresh eggs.

Having some of the best egg-laying chickens in your coop can be rewarding. All you have to do is study the information on each chicken breed and choose the perfect egg-laying chicken breed suitable for your flock. Each chicken breed has unique qualities, temperament, and characteristics you should consider. Wait no longer! Check out our list of best egg-laying chickens to optimize egg production in your farm and backyard!

10 Best Egg-Laying Chickens

Each chicken breed on our list is a great egg producer. The quantity and quality of eggs of your chosen chicken breed depend on the living conditions and nutrition you provide. So, keep your chickens happy and start collecting those eggs! Here are some of the best egg-laying chickens for you to consider:

1.    White Leghorn

Egg-Laying Chickens - White Leghorn
Credit: @coop_dujour8

Egg-laying ability:

  • Between 280 and 320 eggs per year
  • 4+ eggs per week

White Leghorn is one of the best egg-laying chickens. If you like to raise this lovely chicken breed, you should know more about its characteristics. The White Leghorn comes from the  Tuscany region of Italy. The White Leghorn chickens were imported to the United States in 1828. In 1874, they were recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA). There is a standard and a bantam version of the White Leghorn. This is an intelligent chicken breed that likes to forage. White Leghorn chickens are good flyers, so you better have high fencing if you want to keep them inside your farm or backyard. Because of their active nature, they easily get bored so you need to keep things interesting. White Leghorn hens are poor mothers that rarely go broody, so if you want baby chicks you will need an incubator. They should not be your first choice if you are living in an urban setting because they are noisy, high-energy birds. In winter the White Leghorn chicken breed is prone to frostbites.

This chicken breed has a perfect egg production score, especially in its third or fourth year. Their white-shelled eggs even grow larger with age and become extra-large by the end of their egg-laying career.

2.    Rhode Island Red

Egg-Laying Chickens - Rhode Island Red
Credit: @olsoncoop

Egg-laying ability:

  • Between 200 and 300 eggs per year
  • 5 to 6 eggs per week

Accepted by the APA in 1904, and the British Poultry Standards in 1909, the Rhode Island Red is one of the best egg-laying chickens with 200 to 300 eggs per year. Since 1954, the Rode Island Red proudly carries the title of a national bird of Rode Island. Besides being great egg-layers these chickens are excellent foragers constantly searching for bugs and seeds. Their free-range spirit tolerates confinement. Rode Island Reds are friendly and calm both with people and other chickens. The hens are not broody, but it is hard to surpass their egg production with another chicken breed. Initially, they lay medium to large light brown eggs that increase in size over the years. This is a lovable chicken breed that can be docile, curious, and friendly but also pushy and loud. The hens enjoy the company of people but the roosters can be aggressive, so you better watch your kids when around. The Rode Island Red are well known for their hardiness. As the other chicken breeds, they have trouble with mites or other ectoparasites. Therefore, check them regularly.

If you want fresh eggs daily, the Rode Island Red is an excellent choice. Enrich your flock with a lovely red-brown chicken breed that has first-class laying hens!

3.    Plymouth Rock

Egg-Laying Chickens - Plymouth Rock
Credit: @linnanpuiston_isanta

Egg-laying ability:

  • Between 200 and 300 eggs per year
  • 4+ eggs per week

First noticed in Massachusetts in 1849, the Plymouth Rock is one of the best egg-laying chickens. This breed was accepted by the APA in 1874, and now there are seven accepted varieties. Besides being great egg layers that can lay for up to ten years, these chickens are known for their distinctive plumage that looks like black and white bars. Those bars make a slight difference between the Plymouth Rock roosters and hens. The roosters have equal black and white bars while the hens have slightly wider black bars compared to the white. This curious chicken breed loves to free-range. Plymouth Rock hens are good mothers and egg layers, especially in the first couple of years. The number of large brown eggs slowly declines around the third year. Plymouth Rock hens and even roosters are sweet, calm, and mellow birds. They are very trusting and lovely around family and children. They are also sturdy and healthy chickens with a strong genetic pool and a lifespan of 10 to 12 years.

If you want great egg layers that are even greater around the family, then Plymouth Rock chicken is what you need. You will have the privilege of fresh eggs in the morning, and your children will enjoy a chicken cuddle now and then.

4.    Sussex

Egg-Laying Chickens - Sussex
Credit: @aflock2020

Egg-laying ability:

  • Between 200 and 250 eggs per year
  • 4 to 5 eggs per week

Sussex is one of the best egg-laying chickens and table poultry. Famous for its flavor this chicken breed has been with us for at least a few centuries. The Sussex has an exciting history dating back to the Roman’s invasion of Britain in 43 A.D. In 1845 the Sussex chickens participated in their first poultry exhibition in the London market. Three varieties of the Sussex chicken breed were recognized by the APA in 1912, the speckled, red, and light Sussex. Sussex hens are good egg-layers and mothers and can be broody. They are an excellent choice if you want eggs all year round. Sussex hens even lay eggs in winter months. They do well in confinement but need free space to roam around. The Sussex chickens are not good flyers. Still, it is wise to have some kind of protection from predators. They get along with other chicken breeds and are a great choice for small farms or homesteads. Sussex chickens have a friendly nature and are easy to handle. They would probably follow you around while you work in the garden. This is a hardy chicken breed that tolerates the cold, buts need shade and cool water during the summer heat.

If you decide to raise this mellow chicken breed, you will have fresh eggs and tasty meat on the table. The Sussex is especially recommended for beginners because of their low maintenance.

5.    Hybrids

Golden Comet egg-laying ability:

Egg-Laying Chickens - Golden Comet egg-laying ability
Credit: @caturdaycollective
  • Around 330 eggs per year

Black Star egg-laying ability:

Egg-Laying Chickens - Black Star egg-laying ability
Credit: @crazylilchickenlady
  • Around 250 eggs per year

Pearl Star Leghorn egg-laying ability:

Egg-Laying Chickens - Pearl Star Leghorn egg-laying ability
Credit: @charleyschicks

Between 250 and 300 eggs per year

Blue Plymouth Rock egg-laying ability:

Egg-Laying Chickens - Blue Plymouth Rock
Credit: @thefarrellhens
  • Around 300 eggs per year

Chicken breeders have created hybrids for increased egg production. These cross-breed are one of the best egg-laying chickens. You can’t go wrong with these hybrids because they are a mix of two already great egg layers to create an even better egg-laying chicken breed. There are several varieties of the Golden Comet, and they are all superstar egg layers. You can expect around 330 medium to large light brown eggs each year thanks to clever breeders. Initially developed for commercial use the Golden Comets now can be found in many backyards and small farms. The Black Star was created after the second world war to increase egg production and contribute to the food supply department. Perl Star Leghorn hens are great egg layers considering their small size. Blue Plymouth Rock chickens will bring a splash of color and beauty to your flock, and a full egg basket in your home all year round.

By choosing hybrid chicken breeds you get the best of both breeds used as parents. Therefore, you will get a breed that lays many eggs with beautiful colors and has a better immune system and temperament.

6.    Australorp

Egg-Laying Chickens - Australorp
Credit: @island.farmgirl

Egg-laying ability:

  • Around 250 eggs per year
  • 4 to 5 eggs per week

The name of the chicken breed says it all! Australorp chickens’ origin is in Australia from the English Orpington, hence the meaning of the name’s abbreviation (Australian Orpington). Australorps are one of the best egg-laying chickens that lay up to 300 eggs in a commercial setting and around 250 in your farm or backyard. No wonder these chickens are known as one of the best egg-laying chickens. Australorp is a dual-purpose chicken, so besides eggs, it gives meat as well. The Australian Poultry Society recognizes three Australorp varieties, black, blue, and white. They are all pretty, especially the black Australorp with its beautiful green shine. This is a large and heavy chicken breed with soft feathers. They love free-ranging and searching bugs but also tolerate confinement. Don’t keep them inside too long because they are prone to obesity. This active chicken breed will follow you around for treats, so always be prepared. The Australorp hens are good mothers, average in broodiness, and will constantly provide you with 250 medium size, light-brown eggs each year. Australorp chickens are hardy and healthy with a lifespan of 6 to 10 years. Just keep an eye on parasites and make sure they have 24/7 shade because they are more inclined to heatstroke than other chickens.

If you are expecting an abundance of eggs and an easygoing friendly chicken, then the Australorp might be a great addition to your flock.

7.    Orpington

Egg-Laying Chickens - Orpington
Credit: @iamstefaniemoore

Egg-laying ability:

  • Between 200 and 280 eggs per year
  • 3 to 5 eggs per week

Orpington is one of the best egg-laying chickens originating from Orpington, England. This is another dual-purpose breed on our list with a gentle and peaceful temperament. As good egg layers, Orpington hens will provide you with 3 to 5 eggs weekly. These chickens make a lovely, fluffy, kids-friendly addition to your flock. So, you will have both a lovable and productive chicken breed. Orpington chickens sometimes go free-ranging for bugs, grass, and seeds but prefer the feeder. They tolerate confinement, just make sure they have enough space. Usually, they need 4 square feet of coop space, but your policy should be the more the better. Orpingtons are great around kids and are often raised as a pet. Besides being great mothers they are known for their broodiness. They come in many color varieties like black, blue, brown, white, buff, and more. The egg-laying ability is closely connected to the color variety in your possession. For example, buffs are some of the great layers in the breed. Generally speaking, Orpington chickens are not very energetic and prefer to go slow and steady. Health-wise, apart from parasites they are robust and healthy. Make sure you provide a high-quality diet of no less than 20% protein.

If you need a dual-purpose breed that will bring many eggs and tasty meat to the table, you may consider the Orpington. Another thing on the pro list is Orpington’s ornamental qualities. So, the Orpington brings eggs, meat, and looks!

8.    Sapphire Gem

Egg-Laying Chickens - Sapphire Gem
Credit: @sylvia0223

Egg-laying ability:

  • Around 290 eggs per year
  • 5 to 6 eggs per week

Sapphire Gems are one of the best egg-laying chickens, hence a true gem in egg production. Their stunning look comes from the shades of lavender and blue on their feathers. Their name comes from the gold or grey gems-like string pattern around their necks. These good-looking egg layers are also very friendly. The Sapphire Gem chickens are not yet recognized by the APA because they are a relatively new breed. They are a cross-breed between the Blue Plymouth Rock and the Barred Plymouth Rock created in the Check Republic. Sapphire Gems are medium size chickens that do well even in a mixed chicken flock. They produce large brown eggs all year long. Sapphire Gems are great foragers always on the lookout for predators. They can handle different weather conditions and even extremely cold winters. Make sure they don’t get frostbite as other single-comb breeds do. This chicken breed is friendly, well-mannered, calm, docile, and loves to cuddle, therefore ideal for beginners. They are also easy very independent and easy to raise. Besides the usual lice, worms, and parasites, the Sapphire Gems are healthy and hardy. They need a healthy, well-balanced diet with a protein feed between 18% and 24%.

If you are looking for a true gem for your flock, consider the Sapphire Gem. With their beauty, excellent egg production, and peaceful temperament they are unmatched.

9.    Wyandotte

Egg-Laying Chickens - Wyandotte
Credit: @barrenjoeyridge

Egg-laying ability:

  • Around 200 eggs per year
  • 3 to 4 eggs per week

Named after the Wyandotte Indian Nation, one of the best egg-laying chickens was created back in the 1860s in upstate New York. First, there were silver and gold laced Wyandotte and later on many other color varieties of the same breed. Wyandotte chickens are large but docile and friendly. They are excellent foragers and enjoy searching the yard for bugs and seeds. Wyandotte chickens usually lay between 3 and 4 medium-large brown eggs per week. They are great mothers with strong brooding instincts. Their health is just like their appearance, robust. There are no specific illnesses connected to this chicken breed, except the usual ectoparasites.

Wyandotte chickens come in a stunning array of patterns and colors that will brighten up every farm or backyard. Therefore, if you want a beautiful, healthy chicken breed that lays eggs even in winter, then you have a winner. With their calm and kids-friendly personality Wyandotte chickens could be a wise choice for a rural setting (they are a bit noisy).

10.  Ameraucana

Egg-Laying Chickens - Ameraucana
Credit: @underhiswingshomestead

Egg-laying ability:

  • Around 250 eggs per year
  • 4 eggs per week

Seventeen varieties of one of the best egg-laying chickens have been recognized by the APA. The Ameraucana is a dual-purpose breed with a hawk-like appearance. Ameraucana chickens come in a variety of colors which makes them even more appealing. They enjoy human interaction as well as socializing with their kind. These chickens are winter-hardy and predator-savvy. Ameraucana chickens tolerate winters well if they are kept in dry coops. They are a bit late egg layers, but when they start laying you will get unique light blue eggs every week. In most cases, the Ameraucanas are not broody, but occasionally one might go broody. Their lifespan is from 7 to 8 years without any major health issues.

If you decide to raise Ameraucana chickens for the amount of trendy blue eggs, you will also have the privilege to raise docile and people-friendly chickens that are quite hardy.


Our list has some of the best egg-laying chickens along with their main features. They lay between 200 and 330 yearly and would be an excellent addition to any flock.

Before choosing ONE breed with the best egg-laying abilities, consider multiple factors. You can start from your farm and backyard settings and continue to the breed’s needs. Make sure that the chosen chicken breed will thrive on your farm and fulfills your preferences and requirements.

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